Please support this non commercial event

Organising a visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a big challenge. The organiser „Tibetisches Zentrum Event gGmbH“ is a non-profit limited liability organisation which was founded for the purpose of the Dalai Lama’s visit in 2007.

This organisation is non-commercial and functions only to cover costs. Therefore, it’s dependent on donations resulting in maintaining moderately priced event tickets and considerably reduced ticket prices for the ordained.

Please help with your donation to:

Tibetisches Zentrum Event gGmbH

IBAN: DE37 4306 0967 2005 9392 00


Sponsor Tickets

Corporate sponsorships are out of the question in order to preserve the spiritual nature of this event. Nevertheless, individuals have the possibility to sponsor this event by purchasing a sponsor ticket for € 1000.

Your advantages are as follows: A separate entrance into the hall with seats in the first rows and a warm meal on all days in the VIP area.

If you would like to purchase a sponsor ticket, please transfer € 1000 per ticket to the following account:

Tibetisches Zentrum Event gGmbH

IBAN: DE37 4306 0967 2005 9392 00


Reference: Sponsor Ticket Dalai Lama 2014

After you have transferred the funds, please send us an email with your postal or email address to: unterstuetzer(at)dalailama-hamburg(dot)de

We will subsequently send you your admission ticket(s) per post or email (please specify).